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Do You Need to Update Your Home Insurance Policy?

To keep your home insurance coverage up to date and get the best rate, there are times it’s necessary to update your home insurance policy. At Janis-Shunta Insurance in Muskegon, MI, we are happy to help you update your coverage or choose a new policy.


The first, and most obvious reason to update your homeowner’s policy, is that you’ve made improvements to your home. If you have remodeled your home, replaced the roof, or added a new structure like a garage, it’s important to update your policy. Improvements can make your home more valuable, and you’ll want to make sure the insurance company has the updated worth of your home. Improvements like a new roof may result in a lower premium as well.

Security System

A security system can also result in a lower premium. An alarm system makes your home three times less likely to experience a break-in. They also result in quicker alerts and fewer damages in the event of a fire. 

Swimming Pool

Unfortunately, not all improvements to your home will lower your premium. A swimming pool presents an extra risk that could increase your premium. You’ll need to inform your insurance company to be sure you are covered in the event of an accident.

New Pets

Pets can also increase your premiums, particularly dogs. Your homeowner’s policy should cover the damages if your pet injures someone, but only if you inform them that you have a new furry addition to the family. 

If you are a homeowner in Muskegon MI, contact us at Janis-Shunta Insurance. We are happy to discuss a new or existing homeowner’s policy with you, and ensure that you get the right coverage for your needs.