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Questions to Help You Determine Your Condo Insurance Limits

Your condo insurance ensures that you have enough money to repair or replace your habitat and belongings in a covered event. However, finding the right amount of coverage can be tricky. Use these tips from Janis-Shunta Insurance to ensure your condo insurance limits are high enough to fully protect your Muskegon, MI property.

What Does the Master Policy Cover?

The master policy is the insurance coverage carried by your property management company. This policy generally covers common areas like parking lots and courtyards, the outside portions of your building, and other common property resources like utility connections. Talk to your property manager to find out what parts of your property your private policy needs to protect.

What Would It Cost to Repair Your Dwelling?

In a catastrophic situation, you could find yourself needing to rebuild your entire dwelling. Your policy needs to include enough coverage to ensure you won’t be left coming out-of-pocket for your rebuilding expenses. Speak to your insurance agent to help you understand how much you might need to rebuild or replace your entire dwelling.

Do You Have High-Value Belongings?

Your collection of mint condition magazines, playing cards, or other special items might not meet the limits of your condo policy. If you regularly store jewelry, tools, or other expensive items on your property, you’ll need more protection to ensure you can recoup your costs after an accident. Look into increasing coverage or adding extra layers of protection to your policy for your special things.

These questions will help you understand what kind of coverage you need for your Muskegon, MI condo. Do you still have questions? Contact the experts at Janis-Shunta Insurance for personal guidance on your condo coverage.

What is recreational insurance?

There are toys reserved for kids, and then there are toys that adults love. You can consider watercraft and motor homes as toys that adults enjoy since these vessels are not necessary for life but still pleasurable to the individual who has the pleasure of owning one of these products. You definitely do not want to have an RV or watercraft in Muskegon MI without a good insurance plan that protects against losses due to damage. What does a recreation assurance policy entail, though? Also, who can help you get the right plan?

The agents at Janis-Shunta Insurance can explain all that you need to know about recreational insurance. Read on to learn more about the field before giving them a call!

What is recreational insurance?

Recreational insurance is best understood when viewed from the perspective of auto insurance. Like an auto indemnity plan, the person with recreational insurance purchases a policy that covers everything from collisions to damage caused by natural means. The recreational assurance holder has the right to file a claim when tragedy strikes and may receive compensation up to his policy limits.

Contrary to car insurance, recreational indemnity plans cover more than accidents and thefts. You can purchase a recreational assurance plan that pays when your appliances are damaged in your RV. Likewise, there also make be coverage for off-road vehicles such as ATVs and golf carts.

How much does it cost?

It is difficult to establish a price tag for recreational insurance in Muskegon, MI because the nature of the field is so varied. It is best to contact an agent at Janis-Shunta Insurance who can explain the details of a typical plan and help you tailor the policy that suits your lifestyle.

You should not wait for the unexpected to happen before seeking out a recreational insurance place. Call Janis-Shunta today to get started with a quote!

Basics of umbrella insurance

Umbrella insurance policies are, as the name implies, an umbrella to protect you when your world is falling apart. All insurance coverages have limits to the liability coverage they offer. An umbrella policy will cover you for any amount beyond that when you are at fault, or ruled responsible, for something bad that happens.  Janis-Shunta Insurance in Muskegon, MI can help you decide if an umbrella policy is right for you.  

Most accidents do not cause catastrophic damage and liability coverage is often enough. Umbrella policies are rarely used and not very expensive for that reason. It is nice to have the peace of mind to know you are covered if the worst happens.

If you own a home, a car, or have good savings account with investments, you have a lot to lose.  It is possible to get into a car accident and have damages of $500,000 or more. It is possible to get sued by someone who gets hurt on your property and be ordered to pay millions in court. If you have a standard policy with a $300,000 liability limit, you will be responsible for paying everything beyond that amount. You could lose your house, your savings, basically everything.

An umbrella policy protects you there and can protect you for things like slander and plagiarism violations.  This is useful for people with life savings and about to retire, or for people with a lot of property to protect. It is also useful for people who have a moderate amount of property and want the peace of mind of knowing they are protected.

Stop by or call Janis-Shunta Insurance today in Muskegon, MI to learn more about umbrella insurance coverage. You must have insurance with us, or a policy on your home and car in order to get this extra coverage.

What You Need to Know About Insuring Your Condo

If you own a condo, you should not assume that the condo company has insurance covered. Insurance for condos is very different than it is for say homeowners or even apartment dwellers. It is very important to do your research so that you can make sure you are fully covered in the event of a loss. 

Janis-Shunta Insurance wants you to ask, What’s The Difference?

Whereas homeowners insurance covers the exterior and the interior of a home, plus the possessions inside, the condo insurance which is held by the condo management team, only covers the exterior of the property and possibly common areas. This means that insuring the interior of your condo is your responsibility. 

What Kind of Coverage Do I Need?

In order to figure out what kind of condo insurance you should purchase, you need to check with your HOA and review the type of insurance they have first. This is your starting point. The HOA will have one of two types of policies. They will either have an "all in" policy or a "bare walls" policy." The "all in" policy covers the exterior of the building, main common areas, plus things that were built into your condo interiors such as cabinets, wiring, and plumbing. A "bare walls" policy" however requires the condo owner to be responsible and insure everything else inside the condo except the walls, ceiling, and floor. Once you have determined what is and is not already covered, then you will be able to make a wise and well-informed decision about your coverage. 

The best way to purchase condo insurance is through an insurance agent. Janis-Shunta Insurance in Muskegon, MI will be happy to discuss your condo insurance needs. You can call our friendly staff to today or drop into our Muskegon, MI office to learn more. 

Is Recreational Insurance the Same as Auto Insurance?

Insuring your recreational vehicle is always a good idea, mainly if you often ride and if it gets a fair amount of use. For those in the Norton Shores and Muskegon, MI area, the agents with Janis-Shunta Insurance can help you find the perfect policy for your recreational vehicle.

Understanding Recreational Insurance

When it comes to recreational insurance, it is a separate type of insurance all its own. The only items that can be insured on a recreational policy are those that are not used for everyday use and those items that are not being driven on the road for regular transportation. This means things like boats, all-terrain vehicles, and even four-wheelers. You cannot insure a daily driver car on a recreational insurance policy.

When it comes to auto insurance, you cannot always insure a recreational vehicle on this type of policy. You can however in some cases add this type of vehicle in some capacity to your auto policy. It is always best to take the time to talk with an agent and to get a specific policy that covers your recreational vehicle on its own rather than trying to find a way to add it to another policy that you already have in place.

You can get a recreational policy for your recreational vehicles that will help cover the cost of repair, replacement, and damages if you are in an accident. It may also help cover the medical expenses of the person riding with you if you are in an accident as well. For those in the Norton Shores or Muskegon, MI area, the agents with Janis-Shunta Insurance can help you find a policy that is going to work for you and that is going to cover your recreational vehicles and yourself in the event of an accident.  

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work in Michigan?

General liability protection is typically a part of your auto and home insurance policies, but if you have considerable assets or you feel at risk, additional coverage in the form of an umbrella policy is important. This type of coverage supplements your general liability insurance in other policies after those payout thresholds are met. Getting an umbrella policy is typically an easy process.

You’ll want to meet with a Janis-Shunta Insurance representative in Muskegon, MI, to get an idea of what your auto and home policies look like. Adjusting those policies may be the first step in optimizing your insurance coverage. Reviewing your coverage thresholds and specific risks applicable to you is critical to get an umbrella policy that meets your needs. It’s sometimes hard to judge whether you’re underinsured without professional insight.   

It’s important to remember that personal and commercial umbrella policies in Michigan and other states do not cover the same things. If you want general liability insurance for your business and its assets, you’ll have to work with a Janis-Shunta Insurance representative to get a policy that meets your needs. Personal umbrella policies may cover you and your spouse, but it is essential to clarify this detail as your policy is written. Working with a professional is key for navigating the insurance market in Michigan and getting the protection you need to safeguard your financial nest egg.

Umbrella insurance is a practical method to protect your personal assets if you’re faced with litigation and financial liability. To learn more about coverage options and thresholds, please contact Janis-Shunta Insurance in Muskegon, MI. Insurance representatives are ready to help get the right policy for you.

Condo insurance: Protecting Your Corner of the World

You Have Friends In Muskegon, MI

Whether you are new to the area or have been a long time resident of the beautiful landscape of Muskegon, know you have friends.

Be The King Or Queen of Your Castle

At Janis-Shunta Insurance, the staff understands that your pending purchase of a condo is a huge responsibility. Maybe you’ve owned your condo for a while and never considered that condominiums have special needs when it comes to effective insurance coverage. Owning a condo is a unique combination of certain aspects of apartment insurance and many more aspects of home insurance.

Condo insurance is similar to apartment insurance in that you do not have to protect the surrounding buildings that your condo is connected to. Your main concern is protecting your “four walls.” That’s why it is so important to speak with an expert in condo insurance to understand if you are  following the guidelines set forth in your agreement with the building owners.

Depending upon the type of structure and how your condo is designed, some standalone condos are part of a huge multi dwelling structure. The type of insurance that you will require will undoubtedly be different. Sometimes, it is not very clear to see what you have to insure. Some agreements stipulate that the condo owner must insure some of the common areas of the property which houses your condominium.

Speaking with an insurance agent at Janis-Shunta Insurance about your condo insurance needs today will let you know if you’re on the right track or not. Serving Muskegon, MI, and the surrounding areas, our professionals will guide you toward the appropriate condo insurance policy. Call or stop in today to have a professional review your existing policy to make sure that you are fully protected or help you with your brand new coverage needs.


Protect Your Toys in Michigan with Recreation Insurance

The outdoors are filled with opportunities for fun and adventure. Having the “toys” to enjoy Michigan’s summer and winter activities make it more enjoyable to live here. Whether you have a boat, RV, jet ski, or other recreational vehicles, it is essential to have them protected with appropriate insurance. While Michigan does not require that a boat, for instance, be insured, it is wise to protect it in case it is damaged or vandalized. Also, recreational insurance will also give you liability coverage if you accidentally damage someone else’s property. The agents at Janis-Shunta Insurance in Muskegon, MI fully understands the types of outdoor activities most people participate in so you are able to make sure that you have the coverage you need.

If you enjoy the outdoor life, it’s important that you protect your equipment from damage or theft. If your boat or ATV is damaged or destroyed, with a good insurance policy, you will be able to have it repaired or even replaced. It is vital that you spend a little time with your agent so that you fully understand what is covered and what isn’t. Given how you use the vehicle, there may be several different policy options to choose from. Also, if the boat, recreational vehicle, or ATV is only used a few months of the year, there may be a clause allowing you to defer coverage while it’s not in use. These are things that the agents at Janis-Shunta Insurance can help you with. You can find more information through our website or you can visit our offices for personalized service. 

Reach out to our agents to learn how to get a quote and get started on a policy.

Can an Umbrella Policy Help Pay Medical Expenses for an Auto Accident?

Being injured in a car accident in Muskegon, MI can be an overwhelming experience. From trying to focus on your recovery to communicating with insurance agencies, even a minor injury can be stressful. One thing you shouldn’t have to worry about is whether or not your insurance is going to help cover any medical expenses. Let’s take a look at how insurance works and what types of policies from Janis-Shunta Insurance can generally be used to pay for medical expenses incurred from being in a car accident. 

Personal Liability 

Personal liability coverage on a vehicle can be used to cover medical expenses. Your policy, however, has a limit on it. If your expenses exceed your limit, then you will have to dip into your pockets to cover the debt. Many drivers choose to get the minimum amount of personal liability coverage required by their state. Even though doing so is enough to keep them legally on the road, it is often a good idea to increase the coverage. For example, if your current personal liability coverage has a limit of $30,000 and your medical expenses exceed this amount, then you will, of course, wish that you had purchased extra coverage. 

Umbrella Insurance

You also have the option to invest in an umbrella insurance policy. This type of insurance can be used if your existing auto policy is exhausted, such as your medical bills exceeding their limits. It is important to understand that umbrella insurance cannot be used without an existing auto policy. It simply acts as a supplement, not an actual insurance policy. 

Underinsured Motorist

There may be some instances in which underinsured motorist coverage can be tapped into to pay for medical expenses. This is usually allowed if your injuries exceed the limit of the payout given to you by the at-fault driver. 

To learn more about insurance and medical expenses, contact Janis-Shunta Insurance today serving the Muskegon, MI area. 

How Is Condo Insurance Different From Regular Policies?

If you’re thinking about investing in a condo, there are a few things you might not have considered. One of them is insurance. You might be thinking that condo insurance is just like home insurance, but there are some key differences. Janis-Shunta Insurance has those differences spelled clearly for you. So, if you want a home away from Muskegon, MI, keep these things in mind.

Your Responsibility

The biggest difference in insurances is what belongs to you. With a house, you own the building, everything in it, and the surrounding property. With a condo, you don’t even technically own the building (usually). Instead, you’re only insuring what is inside the walls. This usually applies to personal belongings, furniture, fixtures, and appliances. Since you’re responsible for less with a condo, your policies can be less expensive as a reflection of that. However, that isn’t the whole story, and other factors can have a large impact on your premiums.


Every condo is different, but it’s a common practice for a condo to remain unoccupied for large swaths of time. This is the trickiest part of condo insurance. Most insurers won’t cover a home with no permanent occupants, and a lot of companies shy away from condos for similar reasons. It may sound counterintuitive, but unoccupied buildings are at a greater risk of damage and theft. The amount of time your condo spends empty can dramatically impact the cost of insurance. A few things can help with this. If your condo has professional security, it can reduce risk for insurers and might lower premiums. Condo sharing services (think Timeshare) can also lower risks by keeping the property occupied on a regular basis.

In the end, the best way to truly understand your options for condo insurance is to talk to an expert. Janis-Shunta Insurance has representatives serving Norton Shores and Muskegon, MI. Have a simple conversation and see what works best for your condo.